Friday 9 October 2015

Autumn newsletter



Newsletter  No  16..................................................Autumn 2015 

Our annual cycle held on Sunday Sept 6th was a great success with the sun beaming down on the 160 + cyclists who took to the road for a 15km and 80km route.

A big thank you from the Board of Management and from the staff if you supported or helped out in any way.  To all of you who brought back sponsorship cards and who encouraged family members to either take part in the cycle or to steward on the day. Thank you.

The sum of money collected this year is approximately €8,000.  This money is an essential part of our budget which we rely on to maintain our services.

Kerry County Council Community Fund

  Following an application for funding Castleisland Day Care Centre has been awarded money towards making a C.D. through Kerry County Council Community Fund

This C.D. will be unlike other C.D.’s.  If you can recall in the past we produced

“Never Grow Old” in 2007 and “ Forever and Ever” in 2012 and Hugh Brosnan and friends recorded a fundraising C.D. on our behalf in 2013.( All these C.D.’s are still available for purchase at the Day Centre at a cost of €10.)

The current C.D. project is a reminiscence project i.e. we are attempting to record any memories, stories, yarns or songs from the past.

With society changing so fast it is important that we have an accurate account of how people lived 60, 70, 80 or even 90 years ago.

We would love to hear and record any memories or experiences which you may have had as a child or young adult, from the 1930’s onwards.

Pat Broderick who has visited us and shown us some of our past customs is  interested in this project and has agreed to help with “interviewing” people for the purpose of recording your stories.

Ruti Lachs who visits us for musical sessions will help out by trying to encourage any singers to sing some of our older songs with a view to recording some of the less know local songs

Ger O Sullivan who has recorded both of our past CDs will once again do the recording .

Dates set for recording are

Wed Oct 7th    Thurs Oct 8t h   Tues  Oct 13th   Wed Oct 14th   Thur Oct 15th

Fri Oct 16th   Mon Oct 19th    Tues Oct  20t h    Fri Oct 23rd


We are delighted to have Pat, Ruti and Ger on board for this project and our thanks to Kerry County  Council  for funding the project.

KETB  ( Kerry Education and Training Board)
KETB have always been very supportive of Castleisland Day Care by funding classes. Over the past number of years we have benefited with classes in art, yoga, dance, personal development, gardening and arts and crafts.
This year once again KETB are generous in their support by giving us dance and art and craft classes.
Dance classes will be with Natalie and will be held on Monday mornings.
Art classes with Breda Galwey will commence on Tuesdays Sept 29th.
 Positive Ageing Week
This year Age Action celebrates 13 years of Positive Ageing Week and both young and old are coming out in force in their towns and communities to celebrate ageing in a positive light.
This is evident in the diverse range of activities that take place all over the country in the week long celebration.
In addition to the 1,000 individual events expected to take during the week, 12 towns will participate as Positive Ageing Week towns this year .
Kerry does not have a Positive Aging Town but there is lots happening in Kerry to celebrate and a list of these events can be found on Age Actions web site.
In our area, the main event being hosted is in Knocknagoshel Community Centre on Thursday October 1st when Sliabh Luachra Active Retired Network are holding a Positive Ageing Day with lots of guests, music and food on the day .
Cost €10 with buses going from all the local areas.
Castleisland Day care Centre will celebrate with music during the week of Monday Oct 5th to Friday 9th
Rugby World Cup
At this stage you probably all have a team with your name on it for The Rugby World Cup. Rugby World cup which takes place every four years is this year being hosted by England with the final being played in Twickenham London on October 31st .Irelands  team captain Paul O Connell will be retiring after the world cup
Ireland are in with a good shot of qualifying from our group,(Group D)                    If interested in watching Ireland play catch them  on TV3 on Sat Sept 19th , Sunday Sept 27th,Sunday Oct 4th and Sunday Oct 11th  with further dates if they qualify .
Strictly Come Dancing
Best of luck to our favourite heart throb Daniel O Donnell on his exciting venture into Strictly Come Dancing on BBC.1
Programme commences on Friday September 25th  on BBC1.
Will Daniel O Donnells luck of the Irish work for him and his dancing partner Kristina ??
 Castleisland Day Care Centre will be voting for Daniel all the way and lets hope he is   voted to stay in  right up to the  final  .
Dates to Remember ;
Sliabh Luachra Tea Dances
11th Oct 2015 – Brosna Community Centre
8th November -  Lyrecrompane Community Centre
Social Sunday 
 Castleisland Day Care Centre Between 2.00 and 5.00pm
Sunday Oct 4th and  Sunday Nov 1st   

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Monday 13 July 2015

Castleisland Day Care Centre Annual Fun Cycle

Castleisland Day Care Centre Annual Fun Cycle – Sunday 6th September 2015 

The event will commence at 10.00 a.m. sharp from Castleisland Day Care Centre.

Registration will take place on the morning of the cycle from 9.00 a.m at the Day Centre.

This is a charity cycle with all proceeds going towards Castleisland Day Care Centre which

provides day care services to the elderly.

Sponsorship cards are available from Castleisland Day Care Centre , Murphy’s Sports Shop

Castleisland and from O’ Sullivan’s P.O. Currow. We would encourage you to get a sponsorship

card and help us raise funds for the Day Centre in an effort to maintain Day Care services for the

elderly of Castleisland and the surrounding areas.

Routes: There will be a short route 15km for families and beginner cyclists and a more

challenging route of 80 km for experienced cyclists.

Refreshments will be available at the start and finish of the event in Castleisland Day Care

Centre along with a food/drink stop en-route.

The event will be stewarded by Friends of Castleisland Day Care Centre in conjunction with

Castleisland Day Care Centre would like to thank Currow Cycle Club, the Gardai, and Irish Red

Cross for their help and support.

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Spring Newsletter

Newsletter  No  14..................................................Spring 2015 
Our environment
Ponder the story of a little boy on a beach throwing stranded starfish back into the ocean. “Why do you bother? a man asked him. “There are hundreds of them, you couldn’t possibly save then all. “No” the little boy answered, “but I can save this one and it makes a difference to him.
Environmentalism is an idealogy that evokes the necessity and responsibility of humans to respect, protect and preserve the natural world from the effects of humans.
As with the little boy and the starfish, small changes can make a big difference.  By educating ourselves, friends and family that the physical environment is fragile and indispensible we can begin fixing the problems that threaten it.
Once we become more environmentally aware, we can use that knowledge to make some small changes to our own lifestyle.
Some simple measures to help our environment
  • Start composting and recycling which will help cut down on our waste production.
  • Buy reusable products such as glass bottles, reusable bags, cups etc. Taking canvas bags to the supermarket saves tons of plastic.
  • Support local businesses and farmers by buying organic food at farmers markets.
  • Instead of driving everywhere, take the bus, carpool, walk or cycle. This cuts down on greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Consider investing in clean power (solar or wind) if not in your home maybe for a community centre.  This will reduce our fossil fuel emissions.
  • Unplug electronic devices when not in use. Although they may be turned off energy is still being used up.
  • Turn off the light when you leave the room.  This not only saves energy but money! or buy some energy efficient light bulbs.
Environmental Awareness Week
To mark Environmental Awareness, Castleisland Day Care will have the following speakers -
Friday April 10th – @ 12.00 Frank King of Radio Kerry Birdwatch
Wednesday April 15th – @ 12.00 Frank King of Radio Kerry Birdwatch
Friday April 17th – @12.00 Micheál O Coilleáin environmental officer Kerry Co Council
Monday April 20th – Visit to Kingdom Falconry @ Crag Caves
Tuesday April 21st –  12.00 Joan Brosnan  Food and our environment
Wednesday April 22nd – Killarney National Park
Thursday  April 23rd - @ 2.00p.m. John Lenihan Gleannagealty trails
Friday April 24th – Killarney National Park Education Centre.

Alternative therapy
Many thanks to all the therapists who pampered us for a few days last month for Alternative Therapy week with reflexology, massage, bio-energy and nutritional facts.
Therapists are available by appointment to attend the centre for a session.
If you wish to avail of any of these therapists please enquire from a staff member.
Reflexology with Patricia O Connor  Phone 087 6400964 €30 for 45 minutes.
Reflexology with Annette Wedig Phone 087 8275711        €20 for 40 minutes
Head massage with Annette Wedig Phone 087 8275711  €10 for 20 minutes
Bio-energy therapy with Rita D’arcy Phone 0872807657
Castleisland Day Care Centre would like to emphasise that alternative therapies do not replace conventional medicine but that it does in many instances, and as recommended by your G.P. compliment it.

With the recent spell of fine weather we are all looking forward to Summer 2015, and what better way to kick start the summer than with planning for May and for the Bealtaine festival.  Bealtaine is twenty years old /  Fiche bliain ag fás so, to mark the occasion we have a number of projects in train.
As the month of May is traditionally linked to growth and flowers we have decided to celebrate with flowers and flower arranging . Thanks to the K.E.T.B. (Kerry Education and Training Board) we will have floral displays and flower arranging classes towards the middle of May  - dates to be confirmed.
As is usual every year we will also celebrate with  music session, songs and dance.

All organisations have a responsibility to provide and follow a code of good practice when it comes to how their organisations are run. “Governance” refers to how an organisation is run, directed and controlled. Good governance means an organisation will design and put in place policies and procedures that will make sure the organisation runs effectively.
To date Castleisland Day Care Centre strives to perform to the highest standards possible. Board of Management of Castleisland Day Care Centre  are seeking your assistance with any suggestions on improvements which we can make. In pursuit of this Castleisland Day Care Centre now wishes to set up a committee consisting of you, the clients. It is hoped that there will be  representatives  from each group. These representatives will ideally meet three to four times a year to discuss how the centre is going and how it is hoped the centre will progress.
Please consider putting your name forward for this “advocacy” group and if you feel that you would have an interest in becoming involved please put your name forward to Marcella.
Please be reminded of our comment boxes which are located in the dining room and at the front entrance.  All comments will be treated with the strictest of confidence.
 The suggestion box is there so that you can feel free to make any comments or suggestions to improve our service.
Welcome to new C.E. scheme workers Ann McAuliffe, cleaner and
 Noreen O’ Sullivan carer who commenced in the New Year.

Congratulations to physiotherapist, Mary Kilkenny on the recent birth of baby son Noah.
Summer Holidays

Castleisland Day Care Centre will close last week of July and first week August that is Monday 27th July to Friday August 7th.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Ice bucket challenge .Donal Nelligan and Marcella Finn cool down after cycle with a bucket of ice cold water

Cheque presentation from Currow Cycle club. €8386 was raised by annual charity cycle on first Sunday of September

Christmas Newsletter 2014

Newsletter  No  13...................................................Christmas 2014  
Here we are at years end and preparing for Christmas 2014. What a year we have had as the sun shone on and on.  The lovely memory will take us through whatever winter presents to us in the months ahead.
Our Centre is always a welcoming place, and despite work pressures, our staff welcome us all with full hearts.  What great people they are, God bless them.
The Board of Management  wish you all a happy and blessed  Christmas and a healthy New Year.  Thanks for co-operation always and thanks especially for helping  our fund raising.
My New Year wish for you all is that we will look out for one another and be there for one another.
God Bless you all,
Kindest Regards
Monica Prendiville
Chairperson Board of Management
Christmas Parties
Mon 15th – Music by Stevie Donegan
Tues 16th-   Music by Pat Cassidy
Wed 17th   - Music  by Stevie Donegan
Thurs 18th – Music by Stevie Donegan
Fri 19th -        Music by Pat Cassidy

Finances and Fundraising 2014
A huge Thank you to everyone who organised, supported and participated in fundraising events for the Day Care Centre in 2014.  It is indeed very heartening to see this level of support for the day centre and it is through your support that services have been maintained over the past number of years.
We would also like to thank the H.S.E. who are our main financial support.  Budget for 2014 remained the same and we did not get any budgetary cuts from the H.S.E. this year so hopefully this will be an indication for future years where we can look forward to more financial security.
Fundraising in 2014
Annual cycle                      €8,386.93
CeilĂ­ by T.J. Nelligan         €790
Church gate collection   
Scartaglen                         €265
Castleisland/Cordal         €1540
Brosna/Knocknagoshel  €530
Currow/Currans               €545

Once again Thank  you to everyone who supported these fundraisers in any way.

The Gospel Tree
There once was a shining Christmas tree
Standing out where all could see
Its brilliance captured every eye
And seemed to cheer each passer by.

“The lights are so bright”, they would say
And hesitate to walk away.
The tree stood proud ablaze with light
For every light was burning bright

Then one bulb was heard to say
“I’m tired of burning night and day
I think I’ll Just go out and take a rest
For I’m too tired to do my best

Besides I am so very small
I doubt if I’d be missed at all”
Then a child lovingly touched the light,
“Look, mother, this one shines so very bright.

I think of all the lights upon the tree
This one looks the best to me”
“Oh my goodness”, said the light
“I almost dimmed right out of sight.

I thougt perhaps no one would care
If I failed to shine my share”
With that a glorious brilliance came
For every light had felt the same
Our Gospel, like this Christmas tree,
With little lights which are you and me
We each have a space that we must fill
With love, and lessons and good will.

Let’s keep our tree ablaze with light
With testimonies burning bright
For our Gospel is a living tree
That lights the way to eternity.

Sadly we had to say farewell to David O’ Donoghue who finished his C.E.Scheme in October.  Welcome to Ann Walsh in his place. Congratulations to physiotherapist Mary Kilkenny who is expecting a baby in 2015.
Christmas closure
Castleisland Day Care Centre will close on Tuesday 23rd Dec @ 4.00p.m.
Re-opening on Monday 5th January.

Wishing you and all your families a happy and peaceful Christmas.

ut Positive Ageing WeekWhat is Positive Ageing?

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Day Care Cycle

Castleisland Day Care cycle on Sept 7th .
Registration from 9am for two routes 10miles or 50miles.
Helmets compulsory.